Saturday, June 6, 2009

Project #2 made by Alicia

I think fabric banners are a great way to dress up a kid's room. Recently I made a couple banners for birthday celebrations. It's an easy way to use up some the fabric scraps you have stored away. If you do a search online, you can find lots of patterns and ideas. Here is one to get you started: appliqued letters onto my birthday banner using heavy duty fusible web (Pellon Wonder Under) . Just follow the manufacturers directions to iron it on. And while you're at it, you can make a T-shirt for your birthday child. Just ask the gals at the fabric store to guide you to the fusible web that is both washable and sewable. Some fusible web is not made for your sewing machine. It will gum up your needle. Here's a little tutorial to get you going.


  1. Cute!!! I am going to make shirts for the 4th of July with that idea. Love the Birthday numbers. Thanks for the 'how to.'

  2. I've been wanting to make some type of birthday banner. I might just have to make one like that. It's really cute. I'm Hart's sister by the way, and I just recently became obsessed with sewing.
